please contact Wahid Enterprises Pvt Ltd
Ferro-titanium are available in various titanium concentrations where FeTi 70% titanium content is dominant as a metal alloy. Also FeTi 30% is standard quality but has a higher proportion of unwanted impurities and is not used by Nordic tillverlare.
please contact Wahid Enterprises Pvt Ltd
FeTi 70% is a eutectic mixture of iron and titanium in which the titanium content is about 70%. Ferro Titanium is used as raw material when you want to put titanium as an alloying element in metallurgical industries. In the manufacture of stainless steel, titanium improves the corrosion properties by stabilizing carbides and prevent corrosion of the grain boundaries. Another major use is in the manufacture of low-alloy carbon steel with high strength titanium which contributes to improved mechanical properties. Ferro Titanium is also used in sheet metal for cars where titanium tie up nitrogen and carbides.
please contact Wahid Enterprises Pvt Ltd
The steel industry uses ferro titanium titanium feedstock as ferro titanium has a lower melting temperature than pure titanium. A eutectic mixture is when the melting point is as low as possible and FeTi 70%, the melting point of 1085 ° C. Ferro Titanium also has a higher density than pure titanium why ferro titanium lighter mixed with liquid steel. Pure titanium is floating on the surface and you will have a clearly inferior replacement because much of the titanium is lost in the slag or burnt.
In addition to metallurgical applications is also ferro-titanium in pyrotechnic applications such as New Year's fireworks. Ferro-titanium provides long lasting strong "golden rain" in a rocket.
please contact Wahid Enterprises Pvt Ltd