Anjali Exim - One Stop Solution for Waste Tyre Recycling Machine - Gujarat - Industrial Machinery, Gujarat - 1759577


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Anjali Exim - One Stop Solution for Waste Tyre Recycling Machine - Industrial Machinery

Ref. number: 1759577 Updated: 17-07-2014 08:03

Offering: Industrial Machinery in India, Gujarat

Take your step towards reducing your environmental footprint by exploring the advantages of the waste tyre recycling machine. Backed by the ideal renewable technology Anjali Exim has introduced a novel measure for achieving giant strides in the utilization of renewable energy. As one of the most highly esteemed waste tyre recycling plant suppliers in India, Anjali’s commitment to the sustenance of environmental well-being, is unassailable. The new concept involves the use of waste tyre as a raw material for the production of carbon black, green fuel oil, gas and steel. With the wide scale use of rubber and global warming, it has now become essential to recycle waste and transform it in to fuel oil. Backed by in-depth knowhow and hard work, Anjali Exim has been able to scale new heights in effective waste tyre management technologies. Each and every tyre recycling plant for sale is designed with utmost care and precision. They are duly tested for quality and industry-compliance.

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Contact information
First name: Anjali
Last name: Exim
Phone number: +91-261-2554150
Mobile number: 9376456002
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