Brass Inserts - Manufacturers & Suppliers in Jamnagar, India - Gujarat - Industrial Tools & Equipment, Gujarat - 3003692


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Brass Inserts - Manufacturers & Suppliers in Jamnagar, India - Industrial Tools & Equipment

Ref. number: 3003692 Updated: 11-01-2022 08:13

Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in India, Gujarat

We are the leading Brass Insert manufacturer, suppliers and exporter in India. Our company is presently situated in Jamnagar (a place which is famous for brass articles) and were established around 2005 have a great experience in manufacturing and supplying the brass insert, brass sanitary fitting, brass electrical fitting, brass precision turned components, brass flare fittings, customized brass part, etc., and many more. Our company is known for providing the premium quality Brass Inserts in Jamnagar and has served more than hundreds of clientele that are satisfied with the quality of the service we provide them. We believe in a quality product and it directly depend several factors like quality of material, machinery used for production, technique used in production and team. All these factors play a major role in any production process and we provide a very wide range of brass insert that are available in different sizes, shapes and design can be chosen as per the requirement. Our Products - Brass CPVC Inserts, Brass PPR Inserts, Brass Pipe Insert, Brass Molding Insert, Brass Insert, Brass Stop Valve, Brass Concealed Valve, Brass Neutral Bars, Brass Flare Fittings or more…

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First name: Super
Last name: Impex
Phone number: 09376833888
Mobile number: 09376833888
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